

This historical marker for William Bensinger and John Porter is in McComb, Ohio outside the Union Cemetery.  (Photo Credit:  Bill Sweeney)


This historical marker for Wilson Brown is in Dowling, Ohio at the New Belleville Ridge Joint Cemetery.  (Photo Credit:  Bill Sweeney)

This is the reverse of the above marker in Dowling, OH.  It provides information on all the participants of the raid.

This historical marker at Sandy Valley Cemetery in Waynesboro, OH marks the final resting place of Joseph J. Cicchetti.  (Photo Credit:  Don Morfe)

This historical marker in Massilon, OH tells the story of Robert Pinn, one of the few Black Civil War recipients of the Medal of Honor. The marker is in Massilon City Cemetery, where he is buried.  (Photo Credit:  Don Morfe)

This historical marker in Massilon, OH tells the story of William R. Richardson, who earned his medal in the last major battle of the Civil War. The marker is in the Massilon City Cemetery where he is buried near the Civil War monument.  (Photo Credit:  Don Morfe)

This historical marker is at Greenlawn Cemetery in Columbus, OH and tells the story of Ovid ‘James’ Smith, who was awarded the Medal of Honor for the famous Andrews Raid in which Union soldiers stole the Confederate train the “General.” 19 men were decorated for this action including Smith.  (Photo Credit:  Bill Sweeney)

This historical marker at Kenton, OH honors Jacob Parrot, one of the 19 men awarded the Medal of Honor for the famous Andrews raid in which Union soldiers stole the Confederate train, the “General.”  He was the youngest of the men and he was the first man ever to be awarded the Medal of Honor. This marker is at Grove Cemetery where he is buried.  (Photo Credit:  Bill Sweeney)